Mission - Save a magical world from evil

Level 1 - Pulled to a new world
Level 2 - New world setting
Level 3 - Meet the band & wise one explains quest
Level 4 - Magical strength
Level 5 - Weapon & band plans a group attack on the evil ruler
Level 6 - Individual battle with evil minion
Level 7 - Magical helper activates magical strength
Level 8 - Battle scene, combined strengths of band, evil ruler destroyed
Level 9 - Quest object gained, celebrations in kingdom, new ruler chosen
Level 10 - Farewell by band members, return home or stay
CLICK ON MORE TAB: Download resources for this quest. There is a 5 week blog - the levels are clustered to support 5 tasks.
OPTIONAL: Create your own image cards on a cyber-safe EDU weebly website.
This was our 2014 blog, starting in mid-May. . .
With thanks to Robert Lund and his awesome Grimsdon quest. See our 2013 student blog and the 5/6R blog COMMENTS here.
Student quests: View them at http://quest-games.weebly.com [Tellagami instructions at http://tellagami.weebly.com]
Level 2 - New world setting
Level 3 - Meet the band & wise one explains quest
Level 4 - Magical strength
Level 5 - Weapon & band plans a group attack on the evil ruler
Level 6 - Individual battle with evil minion
Level 7 - Magical helper activates magical strength
Level 8 - Battle scene, combined strengths of band, evil ruler destroyed
Level 9 - Quest object gained, celebrations in kingdom, new ruler chosen
Level 10 - Farewell by band members, return home or stay
CLICK ON MORE TAB: Download resources for this quest. There is a 5 week blog - the levels are clustered to support 5 tasks.
OPTIONAL: Create your own image cards on a cyber-safe EDU weebly website.
This was our 2014 blog, starting in mid-May. . .
With thanks to Robert Lund and his awesome Grimsdon quest. See our 2013 student blog and the 5/6R blog COMMENTS here.
Student quests: View them at http://quest-games.weebly.com [Tellagami instructions at http://tellagami.weebly.com]